Our Story
We, the citizens of Brussels, are uniting to rebuild our city as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). We believe city services should belong to the citizens, allowing us to participate, propose ideas, and be rewarded for our contributions.
Traditional paper-based bureaucracy is too slow for today's rapid changes. Our new DAO leverages blockchain technology to ensure full transparency and faster, cost-effective decision-making. Rules in smart contracts are enforced automatically, creating a fair system where everyone can inspect decisions and financial flows.
We respect existing institutions and aim to complement them with innovative technologies. Inspired by practices like Liberating Structures and Non-Violent Communication, we strive for a participatory, transparent future. As we face significant changes, including climate adaptation and demands for transparency, our goal is to explore and implement new ways to manage our city together.
Join us in pioneering a new era for Brussels. We are here to learn, build, and help each other through this transition.
Here’s to the next 1000 years! 🍻
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